
Women’s Circle

Women's Circle

Heal your relationship with Money and
manifest a future of abundance.

Online Women's Circle

Connect with inspiring women and dive into your spirituality. 

This is what awaits you in the women's circle:

Take time for yourself!

Heal your relationship with money!

Get practical tips and implement them straight away!

Meet interesting women and share joy, love and zest for life!

"Finally, I take some time to care for myself."

-  Lisa



Leni is called to act as a mediator and wise woman to support the earth and its inhabitants. Her authentic and very appreciative manner inspires.



Leni inspires me with her open, natural and down-to-earth way. I value her as a healer, companion, teacher and woman who touches me deeply.



The tools Leni gave me just change everything. I get goosebumps when I think about everything that has changed. I am so glad that I found my way to Leni.

We start in:

My countdown

Online Women's Circle with Leni

8 Sessions (each 90min) with the topic:

Heal your relationship with money and manifest a future of abundance


every other Wednesday
6:30pm (Europe - CET),  10:30am (California - PDT), 1:30pm (New York - EDT)
1st November 2023
15th November 2023
29th November 2023
13th December 2023
27th December 2023
10th January 2024
24th January 2024
7th February 2024

Don't worry if you miss a session.
The recordings will be available to you.






You decide

I want to make the women's circle accessible to everyone who feels attracted to it.

Therefore, you can either pay the regular price (€180 for eight sessions)
or pick your own price (min. 50€)



If you think your friend would benefit from our women's group, bring her along!
There is an exclusive 9th session for everyone who comes in a double pack. (This applies to you and your friend.)

Sign up now for the Women's Circle

Write me here, if you want to sign up for the upcoming Women's Circle. I will come back to you shorty!


Write to me (mail@lenisharma.com)