
Hi, I'm Leni

Good to see you here!

I'll guide you on your way of holistic healing and towards a conscious and fulfilled life.

My experience as a shamanic practitioner, yoga teacher and healing therapist enables me to convey ancient knowledge in a modern form.


I have dedicated my life to holistic health, spirituality, and personal growth. Shamanism, Ayurveda, and Yoga have entirely transformed my life.

Now I share my path with you. It is my passion and my desire to share a deep connection to mother earth and myself. I'll show you how to ground yourself, grow, and bloom.


What my clients say


Right from the start, I had a very good and familiar feeling with Leni. I attended several workshops, each one was special and brought me a big step further in life. It opened many doors for me and I was able to solve a lot. Leni is very understanding, patient and hard-working. She always tries to help me on my life path. That's why I completed the shamanism course with her. You see things from a completely different perspective and can therefore go on in life much more positively. Leni was and is a great teacher for me, I will always be very grateful to her.

Loretta & Alex

Leni is destined to act as a mediator and wise woman to support the earth and its inhabitants. Her authentic and very appreciative way inspires. She united us and allowed us to participate in something huge. We are extremely grateful to be able to know you. Thank you for being who you are.

Work with me & you can take an in-depth look into your soul and transform your life.

Esoteric hocus-pocus is not enough for me. I dive deep into spirituality and the full spectrum of human existence.

My healing path started very early. At the age of 10, I lost my father who, after a prolonged mental illness, committed suicide. My world collapsed and my childhood ended there and then. This dramatic experience awakened something in me. An urge to look deeper. A seed in the heart that wanted to grow. Darkness and depression accompanied me for years. But as my teacher Noora once said:

It takes darkness to see the light. 

How I work

I combine ancient techniques with modern approaches. That enables me to make an easily accessible and genuinely holistic transformation possible.

Different traditions flow into my work. My roots are in alpine shamanism, and I love to use these ancient methods for spiritual growth.
My years in India and my deep connection to this special place on earth brought more approaches to holistic health into my life. With the ancient teachings of Yoga and Ayurveda I can take you closer to your true self.

You are more than your body. I work with all levels of the human experience
- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

This enables a profound transformation.


Yoga is a complete science in itself. It has everything you need to grow spiritually. At the beginning of the yoga practice, your body will get prepared to deal with the enormous energies that will flow into you in the higher stages. Areas of yoga are the physical exercises, cleansing techniques, breath control, control of the mind and the possibility to connect with the divine energy.


Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice known to human. It offers you the opportunity to heal old wounds and loosen karmic connections. Find yourself and connect with your real core. Learn to listen to nature and to communicate with our mother earth. To grow spiritually, you need strong roots. Methods of shamanism are soul retrieval, extraction work, ancestral work, vision quest and grounding.


Ayurveda, like yoga, was carried into our time through the scriptures of the Vedic high culture. This science of a long-life provides techniques to help you keep your body healthy. Only with a well-oiled machine can we take the risk of spiritual ecstasy. Ayurveda offers us guidance on healthy diet, detoxification and herbal medicine. Regionality and seasonality are fundamental.

Video-Course SHAMANISM

Video-Course + 2 guided Shamanic Journeys