
Shamanic course





Shamanic Energy Healer Training

2 weeks

Do you want to have a life-changing experience?

 Dive in and explore yourself.

Learn the ancient methods of shamanism to support yourself
and others on their healing path.

This training is for You, if:

You want to heal old wounds and help others on their healing path.

You want to grow spiritually.

You want to learn and embody the ancient methods of shamanism.

You want to become an Energy healer and earn your living with this profession.


Wow! I am very satisfied with my Yoga-Shamanism studies with Leni and Nipun. They are dedicated teachers, with a depth of experience. Leni and Nipun are always professional, engaging and caring. They weave together principles, traditions and techniques in ways that are fun and lively!! Individual expression and feedback are encouraged. We explored healing techniques, journeying, power animals, and compassion-based intuition — as well as yoga and Ayurveda. I had the training several months ago, and I find it helpful all the time.


Being very new to shamanism I was not sure what to expect, but during those weeks I learnt so many techniques that I am now applying to my life. The work was very deep so it was important to me that the class size was so small.
I found that the combination of morning yoga and study of anatomy and Ayurveda worked really well with the practical shamanism classes. The yoga and meditation/mantra chanting really helped me to start the day feeling grounded and ready for the shamanism class. I was already familiar with Ayurveda but it was good to learn more. Overall I really feel that the course has given me a solid foundation on which to continue my shamanic practice.

What you will learn

Daily Yoga Class with Indian Yogi to learn to control your mind

Shamanic journeying into the Other World

Cleansing and illumination of the human energy field

Work with the Chakras

Work with your power animal and spirit teacher

Understand the messages from disease and transform them

Soul retrieval & Extraktion work

Healing of the dark side (Shadow work, Invaders)

Connection to and work with your Ancestors

Gaia, Pacha Mama, Mother Earth

Fire Ceremony

Shamanic Smudging

Plant Magic


7th -20th July 2024

11th -24th August 2024


The Training takes place in the Yoga and Shamanism Ashram in Virserum, South Sweden. You can arrive via plane (Vaxjö, Kalmar or Stockholm), train (Hultsfred) or car. Come and enjoy the stunning Swedish nature.

shamanic retreat
shamanic retreat
shamanic retreat
shamanic retreat
shamanic retreat
shamanic retreat
shamanic retreat
shamanic retreat
shamanic retreat

Shamanic Training

you get:

Welcome Ceremony

Training with an experienced shamanic healer

Single Accommodation in the Ashram

All meals (vegan)

Course material


Certification Ceremony and Inauguration in the spiritual realm

Access to the Inner Circle



Special price if you join with a friend: €2499/person