New Country – New Start

I just moved to Sweden with my husband, my daughter, and my dog son Yogi. It was quite a challenge. It actually still is. We bought a huge house, where we can host our Yoga Teacher Trainings and Shamanism Courses. Although the house was in good condition, we had to put a lot of effort into making it cosy and comfortable. But the work of three months pays off. Still, everything has to find its place, but at least we get a vast idea of how it will look when it is all done.

The soul travels on foot.

As I said before, It’s been quite a challenge in the last three months, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. Setting up a whole new life in a new country can be hard. There is an old saying „the soul travels by foot“. I can feel how true that is every time we shift our lives. In the last five years, my husband Nipun and I moved first from India to Austria, then back, then Austria again and now Sweden. It always takes a view weeks for me to really feel complete and whole at a new place.

This time it seems to be taken even longer. I still feel fragmented, and if a part of my soul is still on its way to the cold north. I think this is also because our new home doesn’t feel like home yet. We really focused on finishing the parts of the house, which will serve as Yoga and Shamanism Ashram. Our private room an in some certain need of loving details and attention. I only finished my daughter Sia Vedas Room.

She adjusted quite well. But I think she is happy wherever I go (or where my breasts go… hahaha). She is 15 months now and still enjoys breastfeeding, and I do too. The modern need to stop breastfeeding at 6 months is a bizarre concept to me. But that is a topic for another day.

Finding back to my spiritual practice

Anyhow, I just sat down and started journaling to clear our my head for the day and the upcoming renovation work today. (I will build a shelf in the bathroom. Just love to work with wood.) Then I felt like I want to turn my journaling notes into a blog post and share my current challenges with you.

Shifting my life again, gave me a hard hit this time. I did not take the time for my spiritual practice, and now I feel the effects of it. I grew used to Yoga and Shamanic Journeying every day; it set my mind for the day. Now I have to find back to my rhythm. More importantly, I have to allow myself to take the time for myself! I want to feel centred and balanced again. And it will start today. It is 5 am, and after finishing these lines, I will dedicate the morning to my Yoga practice. Oh my… My body and my mind crave for Surya Namaskara. ?

Have a lovely day. You are an amazing human being! ❤︎

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