What is shamanic drumming?

Shamanic drumming is the playing of a drum to get into a trance state. Shamans and shamanic practitioners can travel in a light trance to the other world and ask for help and healing for themselves and others. There they meet their helping spirits like power animals or spiritual teachers. The trance state and the journey to the other world form the basis of shamanic work. In ceremonies, drumming is also used to open the gates to the spirit world and the consciousness of all participants.

How do you get into a trance state?

There are countless methods to fall into a trance. For shamanic work, one should be in a light trance state to still be aware of the outside world. Therefore chemical and plant substances are not suitable for shamanic work. They bring you too deep into trance, and you lose the ability to control.
Another possibility is meditation. Through regular practice, the brain waves slow down, and you fall into a trance state. This method is tough to learn and also difficult to maintain. Therefore it is only conditionally suitable for shamanic journeying.
The traditional form to get into a light trance state are instruments. RainMaker, Ocean Drums, rattles and the popular frame drum are ideal for shamanic work.

How does shamanic drumming work?

Worldwide the drum is the most chosen medium for shamanic work, and there is a good reason for this: it is a straightforward but highly effective technique. Through the repetitive rhythm, which starts slowly and then increases in speed, the practitioner can slide into ever deeper trance states. If one wishes to leave the trance state and return to normality, one slows down the pace or breaks the rhythm (also called “recall”).

How do I get into the other world?

On the internet, you can find countless instructions and drum MP3s that easily tempt you to go on an adventure on your own. I recommend learning shamanic journeying with a teacher. Once you know the basics and are a bit experienced in shamanic journeying, you can easily travel alone into the other world. But everybody should be aware that shamanic journeying is not a pastime but a serious healing method on the soul level.
Shamanic practitioners beat their own frame drum. This has the advantage that the rhythm and speed can be adjusted. But especially in the beginning, it isn’t easy to concentrate on drumming and journeying. Therefore, someone else should play the drum, or you listen to recorded drum music. Here is a nice example from Michael Harner:

Do you want to learn shamanic drumming?

Start your shamanic journey and explore the vastness of the other world. Learn the methods and techniques of shamanic work in our shamanism course. Everybody can learn the ancient techniques of shamanism and use them for himself and others.

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