The mantra of the month seems so trivial this time. But even if it is only a word, it is not an easy case. Everyone has the ability to breathe, but for many, breathing correctly is a great challenge.
Correct Breathing
In yoga, this way of breathing is also called yogic breathing. Sounds sophisticated, but it’s not. Yogic Breathing is nothing else but breathing with your full capacity. You start to fill your lungs slowly and steadily. First, your chest rises, then your belly, and when you think that you have reached the limit of inhalation, you lift your collarbone. This will also fill the tops of your lungs with air.
Why is right breathing important
When we breathe deeply and slowly, more oxygen gets into the blood. At the same time, more carbon dioxide can be released. We feel more awake, active and focused. This is the biological advantage, but deep breathing can do even more. It requires mindfulness and awareness and brings the same into your body and mind. We must always remember to breathe deeply. Otherwise, we fall back into shallow breathing. This remembering is the real problem. Everyone can breathe deeply, but we always forget about it.
My little trick for the right breathing
So all it needs is a little reminder—something to remind us to breathe deeply and slowly again. My trick to doing this is a bracelet. Pick out one of your bracelets and promote it to be your “Breathing Police.” Choose a bracelet or hoop that you can wear all day comfortably long, and that also goes with all outfits. It should be a piece of jewellery that you can always wear; otherwise, the whole thing won’t work. Wear this bracelet and when your eyes catch it, remind yourself to breathe deeply.
Some of my students already had the idea to get a tattoo as a reminder. But I don’t think it’s a good idea. With time, we get used to the sight and the effect of is lost. This can also happen with the bracelet, but then you change it.
You can also learn deep breathing with the yogic alternating breathing (Nadi Shodhana, Anuloma Vilom).