Pregnancy Yoga – The second trimester

Slowly you will notice that a second person is doing yoga with you. Nausea and weakness of the first trimester also decrease. Second-trimester yoga is all about releasing tension and strengthening your lower back. Due to the growing belly, it often happens that the pregnant woman gets a hollow back. Yoga helps counteract this and keep your back healthy and strong. Besides, contact with the baby is now the focus. You can already feel kicks and hiccups and probably feel more connected to your lodger than you did in the first trimester. Now you can mentally get used to becoming a mother.
  • Mindfulness – listen to your body and its limits.
  • Do what is right for you and what feels good.
  • Prepare for the birth – open your hips, strengthen your back and learn relaxation techniques.
  • Lying on the belly – All asanas that compress your abdomen are now taboo.
  • Twist Postures – Twists should no longer be performed – do not squeeze your miracle unnecessarily.
  • Jumps – Active sequences in which jumps connect the asanas are not suitable for your little one.

Asanas – Yoga in the second trimester

Perhaps, thanks to the pregnancy hormones, you will feel an increase in energy again and can therefore practice any form of yoga from the fourth to the sixth month. The following asanas are particularly beneficial for the current changes in your body and mind:
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Preparation (Preparation for one-legged pigeon pose) opens the hips and strengthens all organs in the lower abdomen. Dissolves stuck emotions in this area.
Kandharasana (Shoulder pose) relieves tension in the lumbar spine and promotes digestion. It helps to build bridges between different aspects of life.
Parvatasana (Mountain) is suitable for strengthening the back and legs. The legs should be about hip-width apart so as not to constrict the stomach.
Eka Pada Pranamasana (one-footed prayer pose) improves posture and strengthens the back and balance. Helps you find your balance during this exciting time. (only practice if you already have a good sense of balance)

Pranayama –

Yoga in the second trimester

In the second trimester, pranayama is also a key element of yoga practice. Nadi Shodhana or alternating breathing not only cleanses your energy channels but also helps to increase the volume of breath. This breathing technique is beneficial while giving birth to relax between the contractions. You can find our detailed video tutorial for Nadi Shodhana here. Ujjayi Pranayama can help you centre your mind again and relax. Imagine that you are breathing on a mirror with your breath. Now do the same with your mouth closed. Your glottis narrow and the airflow becomes finer. Hold this noise first as you exhale and, after some practice, also when you inhale. You can do this pranayama during the asanas as well.  

Meditation –

Yoga in the second trimester

During pregnancy, you can use meditation to come down, relax, and get in touch with your baby, in addition to so-called ‘guided meditations’ (I put this under quotation marks since such relaxation exercises are no meditations in the real sense). You can also use authentic meditation techniques such as mantra meditation, breathing meditation or walking meditation. A simple form of mantra meditation combined with breathing meditation is SOHUM meditation. ‘So-hum’ means ‘I am’. You sit down in a quiet place, close your eyes and begin to breathe calmly. While inhaling, you think ‘So’ and while exhaling you repeat ‘Hum’ in your mind. Do this for 15-20 minutes and make sure that your entire organism calms down. Walking meditation is an active form of meditation. The best way to do this is to walk barefoot in the house or the grass. Focus on the sensations. Perform the movements very slowly and consciously. Notice what your feet feel, how you shift your weight, and how your hips rotate.  

Mantra Chanting –

Yoga in the second trimester

While chanting mantras, you repeat a syllable, word or phrase that express certain qualities. The vibrations of this quality are transmitted to our body and mind. Through mantra chanting, specific attributes are promoted in you and also transferred to your baby. Choose a suitable mantra for you. Repeat for a few minutes each day. You can do this during a walk in nature, at the end of your yoga session or just during the day. Examples of mantras: AUM, Gayatri mantra, ‘I create a miracle’, ‘I am’, ‘I love myself’. 🙂

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