Yoga for fertility. The most important human instinct is to preserve our species. So it is no wonder that the sight of a newborn baby makes us feel all warm around the heart. Nature has arranged it so that we WANT to procreate. But even if, from a biological point of view, all conditions for offspring are given, it is still a gift to conceive a child. Some couples even have to try for years. Even if you know your fertile days, the chance of fertilization remains at 25%. Yoga and Ayurveda offer different possibilities to increase the chances a little bit.
And again the pregnancy test is negative. The disappointment grows with every month, sex takes on a different meaning and both partners are under real pressure to perform. This stress is not at all helpful in getting pregnant. In men, the sperm quality suffers and in women, the hormones get out of balance. To break the vicious circle, more and more people are starting to practice yoga – women, and men!
Yoga helps you to get pregnant
Yoga promotes natural fertility by involving the body, mind and spirit equally. You practice mindfulness and devotion, strengthen the chakras and stimulate the flow of energy. Yoga goes far beyond a normal gymnastics class. Negative emotions and stress are overcome and space is created for new, positive feelings. Yoga promotes the natural monthly cycle, which is the basis for pregnancy. However, Yoga and Ayurveda do not work overnight. Due to years of misbehavior, wrong nutrition or taking pills, it can take several months before the body returns to its natural rhythm. Daily yoga practice does not guarantee to get pregnant. But it helps to strengthen body and mind and thus increases fertility.
Asanas for Fertility – Yoga for Fertility
Asanas are the physical exercises of Yoga. The following asanas increase fertility and help to become pregnant:
Pranayama for fertility – Yoga for fertility
Nadi Shodhana, also called alternate nostril breathing, is a very powerful breathing technique. It cleanses the energy channels and helps to balance hormones. Male and female aspects are brought into harmony. Nadi Shodhana relaxes body and mind, Prana (life energy) can flow freely and fertility is increased. Here you will find a detailed instruction with video for Nadi Shodhana.
Bhramari or bee breathing dissolves tensions and worries and thus improves the chances of conception.
Meditation for Fertility – Yoga for Fertility
Meditation is a very high form of Yoga. Therefore, for beginners, a so-called “guided meditation” is recommended. This is by definition not a meditation, but a concentration, a preliminary stage of true meditation. The term “meditation” is unfortunately used in the West for anything that is in any way relaxing. True meditation, however, has the goal of completely calming the mind and shutting down all thoughts to achieve a state of bliss.
Ayurveda helps you to get pregnant
Ayurveda is the ancient knowledge of the ancient Indian culture, which has been preserved thanks to the Vedas (ancient scriptures). According to these scriptures, the development and growth of an embryo depend on six factors:
- mother
- father
- the health of the mother
- plasma tissue (rasa-dhatu) of the mother
- divine soul (atman)
- spirit of the child
As can easily be seen here, the main responsibility lies with the mother. Sperm will grow in about 30 days. The man must therefore only behave in a way that is beneficial to his health for this short phase – i.e. loose clothing, no alcohol, no smoking. In women, however, the eggs are already in the ovaries at birth. Therefore, the entire previous lifestyle is relevant to fertility. But don’t worry, old sins can be made up for by detoxification.
Pancha karma retreat
This Ayurvedic cleansing retreat includes five (Pancha) detoxification procedures: Virechan (cleaning of the digestive tract), Basti (cleaning of the intestines), Vaman (cleaning of the stomach), Nasya (cleaning of the nose and sinuses), Rakta Moksha (cleaning of the blood). A Pancha-Karma retreat should only be carried out under the guidance of an experienced Ayurveda consultant/doctor! Those who can not do such a retreat can alternatively detoxify by the following: No alcohol, no cigarettes, drink a lot (preferably herbal tea), take alkaline baths, eat unprocessed food, reduce stress.
Eat properly
Ayurveda distinguishes three doshas (constitution types) depending on which elements are dominant in the body. Find out here what Doshas are and which Dosha you are. To get pregnant it is very important to keep the elements in balance. This is mainly achieved through a diet that is adapted to your constitutional type or Dosha.
Daily routine
Regularity is the key to a successful pregnancy. We must lead our body back to a natural rhythm. Sufficient sleep, fixed meal times and sufficient rest periods are needed.
Shatavari – the “women’s herb” of India
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus – asparagus plant) has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years to stimulate the reproductive and digestive system. It helps not only in getting pregnant but also in milk production and even in the transition to menopause. Shatavari has a hormone regulating effect and prepares the mucous membranes for the pregnancy. This plant is especially recommended for all Pitta women as it balances Pitta as well.
Physical causes of fertility disorders
The female egg cell consists of rasa-dhatu (plasma tissue), which is formed from food. A wrong way of life and unhealthy nutrition therefore quickly affect the quality of the egg cell. If one eats the wrong combinations (e.g. dairy products with fresh fruit) or not according to the constitution type, this plasma tissue is contaminated with so-called ama (waste products). Ama is sticky, tough and blocking.
Too much ama can lead to:
- blocked fallopian tubes (increased risk of ectopic pregnancy)
- ab insufficient supply of the egg with nutrients
- malformation of the embryo and miscarriage
The aim is to produce as little ama as possible through proper nutrition and to remove existing ama from the body with the help of a Pancha-Karma retreat (see above).
More tips
- Pay attention to a regular daily routine. Regular mealtimes and bedtime keep the natural rhythm going.
- Eat according to your constitution type.
- Avoid sea fish, undiluted (chemical) juices, chili, radish, blue cheese, and dairy products mixed with fresh fruit.
- Smoking reduces fertility in women and men.
- Abstain from alcohol.
- Avoid stress and physical exertion.
- A Panchakarma retreat ideally prepares the mother’s body for pregnancy. (To be carried out with an experienced Ayurveda consultant/doctor).
- Don’t reduce your time together only to “baby-making-time”. Show your affection and love also in your infertile days.
- Visualize your pregnancy. Prepare yourself mentally for this wonderful process and surround yourself with the subject (talks, books, movies).