Spiritual Practice

Spiritual Yoga

If you are new to Yoga, you might think: How can all this stretching and bending be in any way spiritual? Let’s first understand what Yoga is. Let me take you on a short journey into the history of Yoga and show you how it all started.  What is Spiritual Yoga We have to understand …

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Mantra of the month: The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of duality.

The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of duality. In the science of Yoga, this concept is called Maha Maya. Maha means great, Maya is the illusion. It is about the greatest illusion of our existence. An illusion is an imagination so strong that we believe it to be true. The illusion of …

Mantra of the month: The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of duality. Read More »