
What does a shaman do? Discover how you can bring balance in your life.

The word shaman comes from the Tungus language, an old Siberian language, and nowadays, it’s used for any healing tradition that fits into this picture. But it was only the term used in Siberia. We find shamans worldwide, but they are not called shamans. They have different names in different places. For example, here in …

What does a shaman do? Discover how you can bring balance in your life. Read More »

What is Shamanism? – Switching to a shamanic way of living to bring more harmony into your life.

Shamanism is the ancient or oldest healing technique of humankind. It was always practised all over the world. It was not invented by a single person. It came up as a natural consequence of the connection to nature. We humans didn’t always live as we do now. We lived in small communities and were very …

What is Shamanism? – Switching to a shamanic way of living to bring more harmony into your life. Read More »

What is shamanism?

  Shamanism is the oldest healing method of mankind and has been practised worldwide for at least 40,000 years. At the same time, it is connected with a positive attitude towards life and an all-embracing world view. The term shaman is a word of the Tungusic languages from Siberia and means ‘someone who can see …

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