
Smudging – Like this you can cleanse your house energetically

Smudging is not only for the twelve nights of Christmas. Actually, smudging your home should be done regularly, just like vacuuming. The vacuum cleaner removes the material dirt and smudging the energetic dirt. Smudging banishes unwanted energies from the house. I deliberately do not say ‘negative energies’. There are no negative energies. Dust is a …

Smudging – Like this you can cleanse your house energetically Read More »

What is shamanic drumming?

Shamanic drumming is the playing of a drum to get into a trance state. Shamans and shamanic practitioners can travel in a light trance to the other world and ask for help and healing for themselves and others. There they meet their helping spirits like power animals or spiritual teachers. The trance state and the …

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Mantra of the month: The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of duality.

The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of duality. In the science of Yoga, this concept is called Maha Maya. Maha means great, Maya is the illusion. It is about the greatest illusion of our existence. An illusion is an imagination so strong that we believe it to be true. The illusion of …

Mantra of the month: The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of duality. Read More »

What is shamanism?

  Shamanism is the oldest healing method of mankind and has been practised worldwide for at least 40,000 years. At the same time, it is connected with a positive attitude towards life and an all-embracing world view. The term shaman is a word of the Tungusic languages from Siberia and means ‘someone who can see …

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